Granville Island brewery with CSer Jenny
It was hard to say goodbye to Richard and Karina after such a great time in Victoria but it is time to start heading east, with my flight back from New York in just over a week. I arrive in Vancouver to heavy rain and with several hours to kill before meeting Sean, my next Couch Surfing host and carrying my big bag I decided to take shelter at the movies!
My first full day here was spent wandering the city which with a small downtown area was manageable. I did accidentally find myself walking along ‘skid row’ which was a bit of a surprise as it is right next to Gas Town – a very nice part of town. All I could do was make myself look big, get my head down and walk fast! My second day here was spent with another Couch Sufer called Jenny who is travelling writing a food blog. We visiting lots of nice eateries and even did a tour of the local brewery partaking in some mid-day drinking.
Today I fly to Ottawa to see Pete, a friend from Cardiff who now lives out here and I will then be on the correct side of the continent for my flight home! Before heading to New York I am visiting Montreal so I have lots to do!