Portland is a good place to stay if you want to eat, drink and take things easy – which I did. My couch surfing host Klauss was excited to hear that was in town wanting to sample some of the offerings from local breweries. I was surprised to hear that I was the first who had made such a request – it was one of the main reasons why I wanted to come back here in the first place! There are lots of little food ‘pods’ which are small vans/shacks located on corners and car parks which serve up all kinds of delicious food.
I spent my second day in Portland nursing a bit of a soar head after the previous nights bar crawl but nothing to stop me enjoying to downtown area. The city seems to be a very chilled out place and the river front was lined with people enjoying the sun and various kinds of smoke. I also visited a huge fountain.
As I was waiting for a bus I got chatting to some americans also visiting Portland. Upon hearing my accent I was told that “you sound like you’re from Wales”. Which surprised me as most people here haven’t met a Welshman before (I always tell people I am from Wales but am very much English) but more so because I didn’t think I sounded that Welsh even to a trained ear!
I have been asking for recommendations on where to head next as I am not yet sure how I plan to continue my trip south. Last time I was here I took a 16 hour bus direct from Yosemite to Portland. Something I hope to avoid again if possible.