I have recently decided to move to Canada for a while. I say “a while” because i’m not exactly sure how long I will be there for, or what I will be doing… there isn’t much of a plan! I have wanted to live abroad for quiet some time now – pretty much since I first started travelling. I spent a couple of weeks in Canada early last year and it has been at the top of my list of places to return to ever since. After an amazing two weeks I was left feeling that I had to return there to soak up more of what the country has to offer.
Though for me this trip isn’t just about exploring Canada – I also want to explore a little more what I want out of life. For me a big part of this is what I do to make a living and for some time I have been unsure about whether web development is what I want to do long term. While I enjoy some parts of what I do I find the industry overwhelming at the best of times. Things change so rapidly that I feel like I am battling the tide just to keep up to date. While some thrive in this atmosphere, and don’t get me wrong I love a challenge and am not one to shy away from hard work, I find this puts me outside of my comfort zone for more than I am inside it. I’m not ready to turn my back on technology and the web completely but I want to know what else is out there. You never know, along the way I might find something else that that really grabs me!

With Richard and Karina cross-country skiing on Mount Washington. Hopefully lots more to come.
So next month I fly to Canada! I have some good friends on Vancouver Island who have generously offered me a place to stay which I am really excited about. I met Richard in the UK a few years ago and I stayed with him and his girlfriend Karina during my last trip to Canada. I am really looking forward to spending some more time with them both.
I have scratched the surface of lots of amazing places all over the world, now I am looking forward to staying put somewhere different for a while and getting to know it properly. I can’t wait to see what opportunities come my way!
Joe my man
wonderful to read this post! I am now staying at Richard and Karina’s place and feel EXACTLY the same about Canada and I have no plan at all. They gave me this blog and I am so grateful to them. Thank you for this post, I am gonna read the whole thing and get some travel tips and inspiration from what you wrote.
Cheers and never stop traveling.
Harry from Belgium