Canada Here I Come
Posted on 20/07/2012 under Canada

Cardiff peoples at my leaving Ploughmans – going to miss you all! As I prepare to leave I have realised two things 1/ I am not very good at saying goodbye to the people I care about 2/ the fact I am moving to Canada REALLY hasn’t sunk in yet! (I am planning on writing more about my experiences and lessons learned whilst preparing to move away when I get more time)

Just about to leave – Tusker wants to come too! Looking out of the train window at the morning light hitting the hills I know I’m going to miss a lot of things here in the UK. But for now adventure awaits! This is going to be fun…
Thanks Helene! Will do Chris – I am planning on doing just that at some point.
Good luck mate! Sounds exciting.
Give me a shout if you venture south of the border.
Have a safe journey and enjoy B.C.!