Watch a time lapse to see what I have been up to:
No more self-imposed deadlines. I’m not sure why I keep giving myself deadlines to meet, because I undoubtedly don’t meet them and get disappointed. I have decided to just keep working at it and try not to think too far ahead.
Without any detailed plans to go off I kept my ‘wing it’ approach to the utility box as I added trim and the roof sheathing. Cutting pieces on the fly, it felt good to not be overthinking, just building.

The utility box, complete with trim and a roof
My friend Brady came over again from Vancouver to help out with the house (thanks Brady!). With help at hand I decided to not muck about and set our first job to be installing the custom double doors.
I knew this was going to be tricky because you are hanging two doors at the same time (and the internet told me so). I figured this was a good way for two people who have never installed a door before to learn how to do it!
Most of the work was pretty straight forward and we got the door in place fairly easily. What turned out to be tricky was getting them aligned nicely. After a lot of head scratching and a few attempts and adjusting the ‘shims’ (which are essentially small wedges places in between the door and the framing to tweak the door alignment) we got some input from Paul, an actual professional builder, to give us some pointers.
With a little more knowledge in hand we continued to tweak the door until it was opening and closing nicely.

Front door installed, finally!
The next job was to start shingling, which I have been looking forward to for a long time. Brady was just as keen to get going, so together with the wisdom that Mark had imparted we slowly started shingling for our first time.
Progress started a little slow as we got in to a rhythm. Working together we figured out an efficient system so each of us were doing something at all times. After a couple of hours, any unnecessary movement or pause was eliminated from our work flow.
…Until we had to work out how to shingle around windows and the round mud guard. This really slowed us up.

Figuring out how to shingle around round objects with Brady
We started out both trying to figure out how to cut the shingles so we could so around the mud guard. This was a nice little problem and I eventually took a back seat as Brady took to figuring out a good way of achieving a nice curve. I was happy to let someone else make some decisions for a change and was really happy with the result.

Not bad for some first-time shinglers!
With some shingling in place next to the stained trim the house was really starting to look like the outside of a real house (I think I write that every update). I am extremely pleased with our choice of materials and colours now I can see them in the flesh. The shingles look fantastic and I can’t help but stare at them.

I am really happy with how the exterior of the house looks
With Brady gone I kept plugging away at the shingling. Another couple of days took me to nearly finishing the first wall. It is a very time consuming and surprisingly hard task to master, but a very enjoyable and satisfying one.

Just about to finish off the first wall
Having ordered and received my first batch of metal roofing I will can now start installing it. The metal roofing has always been a bit of a daunting task so I am going to start small by first putting the roof on the utility box.
My goodness. Very impressive.
Great work Joe. love, Grandma
From the time-lapse, it looks like you had real fun with those doors…NOT!
Shingling looks great.
Very nice mate! Good job on the shingling you pair of shinglers.. 🙂
Very enjoyable read 🙂