Watch a time lapse to see what I have been up to:
A little more work got the roofing insulation fully installed. Not I could finally start thinking about sheathing the roof. While I was figuring this out, Mo gave me a hand finishing off staining the fascia boards.

Roof insulation in
It took me a little while to get going with the sheathing, as there were a few details to consider, but once I had the first piece installed the rest came together fairly easily. I managed to get in a bit of a flow, which meant I could just get on and work without it requiring too much of my mental capacity. Which was a nice change. Working both at ground level and on the roof I got very good at leaving things where I couldn’t get them when I needed them. This meant I made about three times as many trips up and down the scaffolding and ladders as absolutely necessary. But it’s the only way I will learn.

Figuring out the steps to getting the roof sheathing on
One quarter of the house roof is quite close to the barn roof (under the blue tarp), so it is a bit of a squeeze to get up there. I could have repositioned the trailer in the barn, which was my original thought, but this would have taken a fair bit of time and created some other challenges. Instead I decided to try it as it was, and although very hot, grimy and a squeeze between rafters I managed to get the last remaining section of the roof sheathed without too much trouble.

One sheathed roof!
Next was to start work on window trim. Mo helped me figure out the ‘recipe’ for the cuts and angles needed so I could get a production line going, which I did the next day.

Test fitting the trim for the little and big window
With all of the lower windows trimmed out, I then had to remove every piece and start the time consuming process of staining.
Continuing with the exterior trim, Mo and I figured out another ‘recipe’ for making the corner boards for the house. These are made from a single 4×4 piece of cedar and require some interesting cuts using the table saw, chop saw, skill saw AND hand saw! We managed to get all of the lower corner boards finished.

Mo and I figuring out the corner boards
I am now taking a long weekend off before July starts. I am aiming to have the exterior finished by the end of July so I can move the house out of the barn. It’s going to be another month of hard work, and we shall just have to see what happens.
Looking amazing! I hope to come by and see it sometime this week ! 🙂
I love the photo of you and Mo just kind of standing there looking like “yup. That’s a thing” (or whatever you guys were saying).
Also, I can’t and won’t say that the blue tarp and mini-window are my favorite things, but they both hold a dear spot in my heart. Good Job Joe-Haw! Another great post and week done 🙂