I’m getting back in to the swing of things. Watch a time lapse to see what I have been up to:
The first job after the break was to continue building the utility box on the tongue of the trailer. I finished off the framing, securing it to the house and then moved on to sheathing it. For this I used all scrap pieces of plywood, which I have in abundance. I also applied several coats of sealant to the bottom of the box to give it a little moisture protection.

Finishing the utility box framing
Carly and I then started making the fascia boards that run down the entire length of the house and fitting them in place. This is definitely a two person job!
Next up was to start covering the house in ‘house wrap’. This adds an extra layer of moisture protection between the exterior siding and the untreated structure of the house.

Wrapping the house (covering all doors and windows!)
Working my way up, I figured out a system to continue wrapping the house while on the ladder. Time consuming, but I got there.
Next Carly and I cut out the window openings for the house, cutting the house wrap in a
specific pattern to prevent water from getting in before stapling and taping it back.

Getting the windows nice and tidy
We then watched my chosen window installation video on YouTube and copied it step by step to install the first window in the house. There are quite a few steps involved as windows can be a hot spot for leaks. After a quick inspection by Paul, the tiny house builder from the other side of the barn who just happened to be nearby, we were ready to get the first window in.

Applying the membrane that will hopefully keep the water out
After our first success, we kept going following the same process and installing more windows. It took quite a bit of preparation to get to this stage and it was really fun to have Carly there alongside me to figure out the window installations from start to finish. We managed to get the four biggest windows installed – this was a good day.
The next day I returned to install the rest of the windows which went very smoothly, except installing my ‘tiny’ square kitchen window the wrong way round. Luckily I spotted this before the silicone dried so I could correct the error.

All windows in!
It’s looking more and more like a house!
Love this Joe its turning into a proper little housey
Amazing piece of work! love, Grandma
Thanks Gran 🙂
Great job Joe. Do you have to go through regular inspections as if it were a house on a foundation?
Hi Dave,
Good question. No, there are no inspections as it isn’t a legal dwelling (size/not your typical foundation). It varies a lot depending on the area, but here they don’t really know what to make of tiny houses so legally it’s kind of stuck.
Having found a piece of property to move the house to once the exterior is done, and having met people in similar circles I am feeling a lot happier about the legal side of things though.
I hear you are building an ADU at your new place? That sounds like a cool project.
I am very proud of my boy,you are doing a great job,!!! Love mum xxx
Thanks mum 🙂 It’s been hard going, but making some good progress now.
It’s looking amazing bro! 🙂
Cheers sis, it’ll be even more house like once I get around to finishing the roof!