New Glasgow to St. John’s 2018 – Day 10
Tempted to take a day off at Corner Brook, but still feeling strong. I decided to push on to Grand Falls-Windsor and take a proper break there.
I had a nice breakfast with Ryan, then hit the highway. I had it in my head that the TCT took the highway all the way to Deer Lake, but I realised too late that there was a few kilometres of trail that I had missed. I think it was my sub conscience telling me to mix things up, because as much as I hate the traffic, it was nice to be moving fast on a smooth surface for a change.
Very marshy beside the trail, so it took a very long time to find a spot to camp at. In the end I crashed out beside the trail and cowboy camped. Got some rain in the night, but I threw the tarp over me, so it wasn't too bad. I'm either getting better at sleeping rough, or just exhausted!!