I have been busy working on the tiny house project recently, so it's time for some updates. Instead of one long post I am going to write several shorter posts. This is the first...
Before I start my tiny house project I wanted to get an idea of where I would be able to live in my tiny house once it is complete. At the moment I'm not sure if that will be on Vancouver Island or somewhere else, but I thought it would be a good idea to find out what is possible here. Having read that it is best to work with your local planning authority rather than against them I brushed up on some terminology, shifted Continue reading →
In a recent post I talked about the tiny house movement and my reasons for wanting to live a 'tiny' life. Since then I have spent a lot of time researching and thinking about the type of house I want to build, as well as thinking ahead about the kind of life I want to be working towards.
Ever since I seriously considered this journey I knew I wanted to buy plans for the house, as apposed to designing and building it myself. Having done nothing like this before, building my own house is going to be plenty to keep my busy. At the end of the day I want a house that is safe, structurally sound Continue reading →
For as long as I remember I have been interested in small spaces, from making dens as a child to living in van on extended road trips. As an adult this interest transformed into an interest in cabins and small living structures, with dreams of one day having my own. Around a year ago I saw an online news article about a couple who built their own little house on wheels, this was my introduction to the tiny house movement.
Tiny house what?
Living in small spaces isn't anything new, but with average house sizes getting bigger and bigger, living in spaces which shun excess certainly isn't Continue reading →